Invisalign: A good option for kids?

Invisalign: A good option for kids?

Dr. Caylin McCullough, our orthodontist here at Palmetto Kids Dentistry, recently shared about the Invisalign Clear Aligner System, a great option for kids orthodontics. Dr. Caylin goes over the simple process and some of the benefits for using Invisalign to help...
The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Intervention for Children

The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Intervention for Children

As a proud parent, nothing is more important than your child’s well-being. That includes their dental health, and while regular check-ups and cleanings are a great start, there’s more you can do. Orthodontics, which focuses on teeth and jaw alignment, is...
Top Notch Family Dentistry in a Fun Environment

Top Notch Family Dentistry in a Fun Environment

Going to the dentist can be an enjoyable experience. At Palmetto Kids Dentistry we create a fun and friendly environment where everyone can feel comfortable. Our kid-friendly office is focused on making your visit stress-free, and dare we even say, fun! Reading nooks...
Dental Fillings That Are Right For Kids

Dental Fillings That Are Right For Kids

Those nasty sugar bugs! Often due to an excess of sugary drinks and treats or a lack of good brushing and healthy flossing, bacteria can make its home on your kid’s teeth and cause cavities. Cavities are the holes created when bacteria eats away the enamel or the...
All About Cavities and Kids

All About Cavities and Kids

Parents ask us questions about cavities all the time. How do I know if my child has a cavity? How do you see them? How do you fix cavities in children? How do I explain cavities to my child? And the list goes on.  Cavities are one of the most common dental problems...